Yodel workers short-changed

GMB London backs members as Yodel faces employment tribunal over thousands of pounds withheld from workers
Yodel workers on the overnight shift have found shift pay and overtime allowances missing from their payslips, says GMB London Region
GMB, the union for logistics, couriers and delivery drivers, initially confronted Yodel and the company confirmed there was an error in their systems and agreed to resolve the issue, but after some months trying to negotiate with the company, GMB London got a stony silence and Yodel changed its tune. This resulted in a grievance that could not be resolved for the 18 Yodel GMB London members concerned and worth about £18,000 between them.
During discussions with the company, Yodel touched on the possibility that this pay error affected 133 workers. GMB London now believes the number of night workers who have been underpaid may extend to almost the entire workforce. GMB London estimates that should an employment tribunal be successful these and other workers that have yet to come forward would receive up £250,000 collectively.
GMB London has tried on numerous occasions to seek a settlement with Yodel, but in the best interests of our members has engaged the legal firm Pattinson and Brewer to represent GMB London Region’s members fighting this case.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“The underpayment of approximately £2.70 an hour doesn’t sound a lot but add this up over weeks and months it then adds up to a pretty penny. The pay for these roles isn’t well paid and for these working families, every penny counts to help keep their heads above water.
GMB has evidence that goes back as far as 20 years that Yodel’s night workers have in the past, been paid the correct hourly rate which is why it seems ridiculous that Yodel has not settled this case and would rather take their chances at a Tribunal.
Understandably, GMB London hopes that the tribunal will deliver the right outcome for our Yodel members and sends a warning to other employers that GMB will always fight for our members short-changed financially and in terms of workers’ rights.
Chris Riley of Pattinson and Brewer said:
It’s disappointing that a company as large as Yodel considers it reasonable to unilaterally alter employee’s T’s and C’s during a pandemic when people are already struggling to makes ends meet. Yodel’s stance is surprising given the weight of evidence available and the concessions already made by them to date. The employees and GMB have been reasonable in their approach and have sought to resolve matters amicably. However, they now feel that there is no choice but to push forwards with a tribunal claim to seek a determination in their favour.
It’s a pleasure to work alongside GMB London Region in a case that is likely to have far-reaching implications and will hopefully secure justice for these hard-working individuals.
Contact: Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6776 3980