Yodel lorry drivers have had enough of constant disputes and grievances

GMB members at Yodel are angry having discovered that agency drivers are being paid more and being given bonuses and incentives compared with employees driving lorries for Yodel. Providing agency drivers better pay and conditions specifically after 12 weeks when company benefits must be matched.
Whilst Yodel has claimed it has a ‘fixed driver allocation’ process locally at sites, our members say this is not the case, leaving Yodel drivers left in the lorry park without journeys whilst agency staff carry out the work instead says GMB London.
Yodel has failed to resolve outstanding annual leave payments and honour contractual agreements at a time when it can least afford to treat lorry drivers so badly during the current national shortage of LGV1 drivers.
This dispute comes hot on the heels of the pending tribunal for 19 workers who were not paid shift pay and alarmingly, Yodel have since admitted to 137 employees all being in the same boat.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said.:
“There are constant disputes with more grievances than I have experienced in any other company where I represent GMB members.
“With the state of Logistics in the UK at the moment, one would expect a company to try to do all it could to retain its drivers and staff in the sort departments, all experiencing the wrongs of Yodel’s management.
“This behaviour has led to over 35 drivers leaving the Hatfield site during the last two months, voting with their feet due to poor pay and poor management behaviours.
“GMB London also has proof of Yodel’s removal of records confirming COVID was contracted on-site and staff with a disability profoundly wronged and a HR team who have ignored agreements and government guidance during the pandemic.
“GMB will stand strong with our members employed by Yodel, with a ballot for industrial action may come the possibility that Yodel management will come to their senses.”
Contact: Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser, 079 6776 3980
Editors notes:
GMB London - GMB holding a consultative Ballot at Yodel, Hatfield over DAP, pay and conditions