Workers must have adequate legal protection against the array of possible misuse of AI at work

Hugh gaps in British law to fill over the use of AI at work says GMB London
GMB London welcomes the launch of the TUC’s report ‘Technology Managing People’ warning that huge gaps in British law over the use of AI at work could lead to widespread discrimination and unfair treatment at work.
The report carried out for the TUC by leading employment rights lawyers Robin Allen QC and Dee Masters of Cloisters says that employment law is failing to keep pace with the rapid expansion of AI at work.
Unless urgent new legal protections are put in place, workers will become increasingly vulnerable and powerless to challenge inhuman forms of AI performance management.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“GMB welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the TUC’s study and GMB is optimistic the report will prompt ministers to address the call for legal reforms for the ethical use of AI at work.
“As employers adopt new technology GMB Union needs to be sure that workers have adequate legal protection against the array of possible misuse of AI at work.
“Workers could lose their job to a computer algorithm or not be selected for a job due to the use of AI. We have heard from our members reporting that they feel their whereabouts and activity is constantly being monitored via the technology they use at work.
“TUC’s manifesto outlines the proposals for change and highlights the values employers and workers should adopt to make sure that technology at work is for the benefit of everyone.”
GMB London calls on all employers to sign up to the manifesto and calls for the government to act now with legal reforms that provide legal clarity on the ethical use of AI at work.
Contact: Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6776 3980
Notes to editors:
A copy of the TUC report can be found here:
A copy of the TUC manifesto can be found here: