GMB members see improving customer service as key to winning better pay and job security

GMB members see improving customer service as key to winning better pay and job security
GMB members within Wilko want to provide a good service and are asking for additional team members, better pay, more feedback from Wilko and job security to keep them happier within their roles says GMB LondonGMB, the union for Wilko staff, have consulted our members in depth to determine the issues affecting Wilko staff within the GMB London Region.
The consultation which asks our team members to identify both positive and negative points within their role has provided some interesting results. Some issues are localised however the majority are showing consistent results affecting the majority of Wilko team members.
Ken Breach, GMB London Region Officer, obtained the information during visits, with fellow officers, within WILKO and has compiled the results so that GMB can address and highlight the information obtained.
Ken Breach GMB London Region Officer said,
“It was great to speak to so many Wilko team members and find out directly from them what is affecting them daily, now we have collated this information we are able to address this locally, regionally and nationally to improve our member’s day to day work. My fellow officers and I will continue to visit Wilko stores to assist our members and improve their daily working life.”
Keith Dixon, GMB Wilko Lead Role Officer, said
“It is a changing time within Retail and companies, including Wilko, are altering their operation for a number of reasons. These changes include, cost cutting to maintain profits, remaining competitive, introducing automation and align the business to the current purchasing trends of the customers.
These changes impact our GMB team members and from the consultation it shows they have worries about their future job security within the company.”
“GMB members within Wilko are highlighting that they want to provide a good service and are asking for additional team members, better pay, more feedback from Wilko and job security to keep them happier within their roles. To achieve this, we need to join GMB so that the voice of Wilko can be heard and changes for the better can be implemented.”
Contact: Ken Breach on 07730 092777 ; Keith Dixon on 07703 469403
Notes to editors:
1) All Wilko team member can join online at
2) GMB London Region are currently looking for GMB Wilko Stewards within the region to perform a regional role to coordinate, assist store stewards and improve communication in stores. If you would like to be considered for this role please email