Unite employs 'union-busting tactics' and suspends staff about to strike

GMB Union members working in Unite’s National Bargaining and Disputes Support Unit (BDSU) are due to strike next week over 'bullying and victimisation' and have now been suspended from work.
Strike action was declared from Tuesday 3 December to Friday 6 December after Unite failed to act on complaints that some managers in the BDSU bullied staff and victimised those who spoke out.
Unite also failed to suspend any of the managers accused of bullying.
All GMB members who entered a collective grievance and industrial dispute to challenge the bullying behaviours they experienced have now been suspended.
Previously, Unite suspended two members the day after the collective grievance was raised.
Danny Adilypour, GMB London Regional Organiser, said:
“It frankly beggars belief that Unite, as a trade union employer, suspended these employees from work the week before this strike action is due to take place. We believe this is a blatant attempt to undermine a legitimate industrial action ballot.
“We are also concerned that these suspensions appear to have been targeted at GMB members for raising legitimate industrial concerns and may constitute unlawful discrimination against these members because of their trade union activities.
“This is the latest in a series of attempted union-busting tactics we have encountered in this dispute – from a surge of new members from this department joining the GMB only to attempt to undermine an industrial dispute, to inaccurate statements about our members being briefed anonymously to the press.
“These are smoke and mirror tactics to distract from the matter at the heart of this dispute. Nine collective grievance signatories, former female members of staff, and staff members in other departments have all made credible allegations that our members in the BDSU have experienced bullying and victimisation.
“We believe that Unite has failed to properly investigate these allegations and has chosen to cover up for bullying managers rather than deal with a toxic workplace culture. All those who have complained of being bullied are now suspended, whilst the managers continue to operate with impunity.
“GMB stands in full solidarity with these members and will always support any of our members who challenge bullying in their workplaces, regardless of who their employer is.
“This dispute is still resolvable and GMB remain willing to enter talks at any time that Unite is willing to reciprocate.”