Tower Bridge, the Barbican, Hampstead Heath, the Old Bailey and other tourist attractions could be hit by strike action

83% of GMB members employed by the Corporation of London voted to reject a final and ‘non-negotiable’ pay offer of 3% and a one-off winter fuel payment of £1,000 says GMB London Region.
Following the Corporation’s final offer being imposed on our members, GMB conducted an indicative ballot, the results of which demonstrate the resolve of GMB members who are calling for a real pay rise from their wealthy employer.
Anna Lee, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“The Corporation of London, managing one of the richest square miles in the world, has imposed this pay offer while the overwhelming majority of members have rejected it.
“Our members are extremely angry that the Corporation has unilaterally decided to impose this upon them. It is indicative of how the extremely wealthy Corporation treats and values its low-paid workers.
“The Corporation continues to host lavish dinners and functions, whilst these low-paid workers are struggling to meet the costs of life’s basics and bills. The Corporation could choose to fund a real pay rise but they prefer to spend it on banquets for the bankers - this is unacceptable to our members so we will now move to an industrial action ballot.”
GMB Member employed by Corporation of London said:
“By imposing a one-off winter fuel allowance of £1,000 as part of the pay award the Corporation has created a negative effect for several GMB union members who have student loan repayments. These members are now faced with paying hugely increased monthly amounts at a time when they can barely afford to eat and are left feeling less advantaged and more angered and frustrated by the Corporation’s decision to impose.
“GMB members are dealing with a cost of living crisis with increasing gas and electricity bills, food, mortgage, rent, and child care costs meaning more and more of our members are falling into debt.
“City of London salaries struggle to compete even with the national Local government offer. It’s a disgrace for such a prestigious and wealthy organisation.”
GMB London is calling on the Corporation of London to get back around the negotiating table or face the difficulty of services and attractions being affected by strike action.
For more information please contact: Anna Lee, GMB London Region Organiser 078 7017 6720
Editors notes:
08 September 2022 – GMB London Region Press Release
12 August 2022 – GMB London Region Press Release