The BBC has a duty to provide in-depth and ongoing coverage of British Gas dispute

British Gas strikers tell BBC that it has a duty to provide the public with ongoing and in-depth coverage of trade disputes
GMB members took themselves to the BBC’s Broadcasting House to make themselves available for interview as 270,000 households are in the backlog for repairs and there are 400,000 homes where planned annual service visits have been axed says GMB London
GMB London Region members are at BBC Broadcasting House to remind the corporation that it has a duty to provide the public with ongoing and in-depth coverage of trade disputes.
Strike action at British Gas, resulting in 31 days to date, is continuing. This was after a revised offer for the Field staff bargaining group, put forward by Centrica at reopened talks at ACAS, was overwhelmingly rejected by GMB members because the company’s offer did not take the threat of ‘fire and rehire’ off the table.
Gary Pearce, GMB London Region Senior Energy Officer said:
“In this dispute so far there are 270,000 homes affected by a backlog for repairs and 400,000 planned annual service visits cancelled.
“The BBC has a duty to provide in-depth and ongoing coverage of disputes.
“So as part of the ongoing dispute with British Gas, GMB members are at BBC’s Broadcasting House to make themselves available for interview so as to explain to the public the issues at stake."
Contact: Gary Pearce, GMB London Region Senior Officer for Energy 078 5003 6952
Notes to editors
Previous GMB London Region press releases:
11 March 2021
5 March 2021
GMB London - British Gas engineers reject revised offer and go ahead with new strikes
26th February 2021
8th February 2021
GMB London - 12 more days to follow day 16 strike today at British Gas
3rd February 2021
GMB London - Dodgy legal advice led to strikes, British Gas CEO tells Parliament
1st February 2021
GMB London - GMB announce new four-day strike from Friday 5th February
28th January 2021
GMB London - British Gas is accused of lying about the ‘fire and rehire’ notices
25th January 2021
GMB London - Reckless British Gas leave more than 150,000 homes waiting for services
22nd January 2021
GMB London - GMB London Gas members burn "fire and rehire" notice in act of defiance
6th January 2021
5th January 2021
23rd December 2020
GMB London - GMB presented the Scrooge of the Year Award 2020 to Mr O'Shea