GMB London welcome all parliamentary group on taxi report to cap number of private hire drivers

GMB London welcome all parliamentary group on taxi report to cap number of private hire drivers
GMB LONDON WELCOME ALL PARLIAMENTARY GROUP ON TAXI REPORT TO CAP NUMBER OF PRIVATE HIRE DRIVERSA cap would improve the quality of life for drivers and hopefully reduce the hours that drivers are having to work says GMB London
GMB, the union for private hire and taxi drivers, welcomes the all parliamentary group on taxis report calling on the government to grant powers to the mayor of London to cap the number private hire drivers. (see notes to editors for all party parliamentary group on taxis report)
The report also calls for the introduction of a ‘clear set of minimum standards for all licensing authorities’ which should put a stop to ‘cross border hiring’ where some drivers and operators obtain licenses from local authorities with less stringent conditions.
Steve Garelick, GMB Branch Secretary said,
“A cap would improve the quality of life for drivers and hopefully reduce the hours that drivers are having to work.
"Rates need to increase to help drivers support themselves and their families."
Tony Warr, Head of Legal, GMB London Region said,
" Without a cap the industry could well see further exploitation of drivers by unscrupulous companies such as Uber and Addison Lee who attempt to deny their drivers any worker or employment rights in order to maximise their profit and avoid their obligations to contribute to the public purse.
“Private Hire drivers already work in very precarious conditions and while overall we welcome the report it was disappointing to note operators licensing will not be conditional on drivers receiving even the basic of employment rights."
Contact: Steve Garelick on 07565 456 776, Simon Rush on 07863 256411
Notes to editors
1) Lessons from London: the future of the UK Taxi Trade press release by the all parliamentary group on taxis
The APPG on Taxis today launched their comprehensive report Lessons from London: the future of the UK taxi trade after a three month investigation led by its Chair Wes Streeting MP. It calls on the Government to give the Mayor of London the power to cap the number of Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs) on London’s streets, stop cross border hiring, and set out a robust set of minimum licensing standards for taxis and PHVs across the country.
The pollution and congestion on London’s streets is no long sustainable, with nearly 9,500 deaths each year caused by long term exposure to air pollution and congestion on the rise due to the massive increase in PHVs on London’s streets – now standing at 120,000 according to Transport for London. To limit the increasing numbers of PHVs and improve congestion and air quality, the Mayor of London has asked Government for the power to cap PHVs as part of his recently launched Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
This cap in London will be ineffective without the Government acting to stop ‘cross border hiring’, as PHV drivers could simply avoid it by being licensed in neighbouring authorities such as Watford. Councils across the country are currently unable to effectively regulate who operates in their area due to the Deregulation Act 2015. When Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council tried to institute tough new licensing regulations last year in the aftermath of the child grooming scandal, they found that taxi and PHV drivers could avoid them by being licenced in neighbouring authorities and then legally operating in Rotherham.