Taxi drivers in St Albans bearing soaring running costs win increase in fare tariff

At a meeting of St Albans City and District Council on 1st November, private hire drivers and members of GMB union won the case to increase the fare tariff after putting forward a case for an increase in the rates that can be charged for hail-and-ride journeys in taxis licensed in the district.
GMB, the union for private hire drivers noted that high inflationary running costs for drivers and employers were impacting the ability to cover these costs and make a living. A rise in the fare tariff was the only way to support drivers who may otherwise question their continued provision of this service to the community and tourists says GMB.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“Part of what took us to this point in the first place is that tariffs have to go up in line with the cost of living and fuel costs. Licensing costs and the cost of a disclosure and barring service (DBS) check have all risen. When you start to take these costs into account, drivers have had to start making decisions about how to put food on their tables.
“We have got to reach a standard beyond drivers just keeping their heads above the water”.
Steve added: ‘I would like to hear from other private hire and taxi driver GMB members in the region who believe that the fare tariff they work with should be reviewed. We cannot have a situation where work earns a driver less than the minimum wage, which is a possibility given the running costs for these workers”.
St Albans raised concern that the increased tariff could reduce the use of taxis in the city, Harpenden and Redbourn, so instead agreed on their own tariff of a two-mile fare costing £9.08.
For more information please contact: Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser on 079 6776 3980 or GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643 /
Editors notes:
GMB London Region Press Release 25 October 2022