
Essex steel company agree on pay increase for GMB members after 10 year freeze

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Substantial 3 year pay deal for GMB members at Essex steel firm after 10 year pay freeze

The employer has finally recognised that workers deserve recognition for the major part they play in the business says GMB London

At Rom Ltd in Witham 14 GMB members have agreed a new 3 year deal as follows:

Effective from 1 July 2017, a London Weighting  of £500 per annum.

Effective from 1 July 2018, a London Weighting  of an additional  £500 per annum = £1000

Effective from 1 July 2019, a London Weighting  of an additional  £500 per annum = £1,500.

In addition, a one off cash bonus of £250 in the first year, and recalculation of the bonus system worth an additional 22 pence per hour until new machinery is installed. 

This represents 2.5% on basic pay for each of the 3 years as well as revamped welfare facilities. It follows a ten year pay freeze. 

Rom Ltd is a small plant based Witham Essex, manufacturing steel reinforcement bar for the construction industry. The company is owned by multi national steel giant Celsa.

Other sites around the country are in still in dispute with Newport in the process of balloting and Sheffield currently taking strike action and action short of strike.

Gareth Davies, GMB member, said

“It had been a long struggle for fairness, but we are grateful to GMB for helping us get an acceptable outcome.”

Michael Ainsley, GMB Regional Organiser, said

"Workers in the UK are still being asked to pay for the greed of bankers and big business, our members at this Celsa steel site will not be the only workers to have had to do increasing amounts of overtime and be creative with household budgets to make ends meet.

It’s been over 10 years since our members have had an increase in basic pay but they've exercised extraordinary restraint.  We are pleased that the employer has finally recognised that the workers here deserve recognition for the major part they play in the business.”


Contact: Michael Ainsley on 07974 250 947 or GMB London press office on 020 8457 4143