Staff at NEU set to strike on 19 July

Staff at National Education Union set to take strike action on Thursday 19 July
It is truly disappointing that we have to enter into dispute, but we are hopeful that NEU management will further engage in a meaningful manner and an agreement will be reached, says GMB London
Staff at the UK’s largest trade union for teaching and lecturing staff, the National Education Union (NEU), have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action. The vote was held as a result of a highly controversial consultation exercise that would see job losses, increases in workload, changes to contracts, downgrading of posts and cuts in pay.
The first day of action will take place on Thursday 19 July and will see up to 200 staff down tools across London and various cities of the UK, after 88% of eligible members voted in favour of strike action.
NEU management commenced the consultation exercise following the merger between the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the National Union of Teachers in September 2017.
Despite numerous attempts to slow down the consultation exercise and requests for more detailed and timely information by GMB, the trade union for staff at the NEU, senior staff did not listen.
Jill Stokoe, GMB Branch Secretary said:
“We have done everything we can to get management to see sense, but they are forging ahead with their plans to downsize the full time staff of the union at a time when the membership base is growing and the education sector is in crisis.
“NEU members need and deserve a fully skilled and well-motivated support service from their union more than ever before.
“These plans have already impacted on our members’ morale and staff are angry; that is why they have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action.”
Helen Purcell, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“This is a phenomenal result that demonstrates our members’ strength of feeling. People who work for trade unions do not enter lightly into industrial action and always hope that they can resolve issues before they get to this stage.
“Many of the staff have come through the ranks and have a real sense of loyalty to the union and its members so will feel torn about taking action.
“It is truly disappointing that we have to enter into dispute, but I am hopeful that NEU management will further engage in a meaningful manner and an agreement will be reached.”
Contact: Helen Purcell 07813 542 046 or Jill Stokoe 07711 984 173 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114 762