GMB Harrow hold Show Racism the Red Card event Wednesday 18 October

GMB Harrow hold international day to support Show Racism the Red Card on Wednesday 18 October
GMB HARROW HOLD INTERNATIONAL DAY TO SUPPORT SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD ON WEDNESDAY 18 OCTOBEROur union is fully committed to stamping out discrimination and our Harrow branch is one of the most diverse branches in the region says GMB London
GMB London Harrow branch will hold an international day in support of Show Racism the Red Card on Wednesday 18 October 2017.
The event will take place in the Members Lounge from 12 noon in the Civic 1 Building, Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2XY.
Food from around the globe will be available at a cost of £2 per person and all staff are asked to wear red in support of Show Racism the Red Card. 2018 calendars designed by GMB Harrow, a raffle and GMB Goodie bags will be available on the day with all proceeds going to Show Racism the Red Card.
Helen Purcell, GMB London Officer said,
"I am pleased and proud that GMB Harrow public services' branch has chosen to support Wear Red Day. Our union is fully committed to stamping out discrimination and our Harrow branch is one of the most diverse branches in the region. Our reps have already done a huge amount of work leading up to the day, engaging with local businesses to raise awareness and persuading them to donate prizes for our raffle at the event.
“All monies raised will go to Show Racism the Red Card and will be used specifically to fund the delivery of anti-racism education."
Pamela Belgrave GMB Branch Secretary Said;
“GMB Harrow are proud to have a strong supportive team and members who are always delighted to support and raise awareness of worthy causes.
“Show Racism The Red Card is one of these, we want to promote and invite all staff to join us for a lunch and wear red in support of stamping out racism.”
“Our reps have worked extremely hard over the last few months to make this event a great success and by raising awareness about this amazing charity. I want to say a big thank you.”
Contacts: Helen Purcell on 07813 542046 or Pamela Belgrave 0208 424 1086