Shocking, disgraceful and Dickensian treatment of staff at Heathrow airline security company

GMB London condemns the appalling actions of aircraft security firm Integrated Paramount Services limited, (IPS – ARL) towards its staff as it is forcing inferior contracts of employment on its workers
GMB London Region, the union for workers in the aviation industry, has learnt through its members at Heathrow Airport and communications from the company that IPS-ARL are forcing through inferior revised contracts of employment that sees cuts to hourly rates, discontinuation of service and zero hours.
IPS, which has the plane guarding contract for American Airlines at Heathrow have totally refused to negotiate and sit down with the GMB LondonRegion through meaningful consultations in line with a joint recognition agreement. The company have also announced that it will not be using the government’s furlough scheme in August by reasons of the ongoing costs and contributions that it will have to make.
GMB London Region members at IPS have complained to the company about its shocking unfair treatment by way of invoking a formal collective grievance. GMB London Region is calling on the company to adhere to the internal process and honour the status quo position. GMB members employed at Heathrow by IPS – ARL have also raised concerns about inconsistent furlough wages that have not been addressed by the company.
Perry Phillips GMB London Region Organiser for aviation at Heathrow said:
“This is another disgusting example of an unscrupulous aviation employer deciding to slash and decimate terms and conditions of its workers as a calculated attempt to take advantage of the pandemic by downgrading terms and conditions. Our members and workers at IPS have been kicked in the stomach and left devastated by being forced to accept terms and conditions that belong in Dickensian times.
I have written to the company many times requesting that IPS withdraw its unilateral approach on dishing out these revised contracts with requests to sit down and discuss a way forward that provides a fair resolution that will benefit both the company and its workers.
I have also made contact with American Airlines over the appalling treatment of IPS staff who guard and secure their fleet of aircrafts at Heathrow. The airline stated that it hoped the private matters between GMB and IPS can be resolved for the best outcome possible, which has not come to any fruition or progress and seems both IPS and the airline are happy with this shocking unfair treatment of workers. “
A GMB London Region members (who wishes to remain anonymous) said:
“I work for IPS (Intergrated Paramount Services) Ltd at London Heathrow Airport. I have worked for them since OCT 2019. They recently announced that there would be changes to my contract and that I would have to sign another one which would mean I would be on probation again from the 1st August 2020 with a much lower salary, which for me is very unfair and not possible to live on such a wage, they also said that if I didnt sign the contract then I would be made redundant.”
GMB London Region is calling on IPS – ARL to do the right thing and stop its wanton attack on its loyal workforce at Heathrow. GMB London Region will not tolerate the actions of any employer using the cover of Covid-19 to slash jobs and terms and conditions.
Perry Phillips, GMB London Region Organiser 079 1229 3481
Derek Rawlings, GMB Aviation Branch Secretary 078 4810 8007
Trevlyn McLeod, GMB Regional Organiser 079 6813 7967
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643