Senior Manager at DHL (ACCORD) Didcot accuses GMB of lying about number of members seeking union recognition

GMB London Region officials representing members met with DH Didcot’s senior manager calling for union recognition.
The number of GMB members employed at the site was disputed to be true by the manager, unfortunately, this set the tone for the duration of the meeting.
At the meeting, Steve Hutchings, GMB branch secretary, and Steve Garelick, GMB Organiser were challenged over membership figures and questioned the need for union representation. The manager’s reasoning was given as the presence of a ‘company forum’ was deemed to be sufficient to deal with workplace issues.
GMB’s representatives were met with disdain at the mention of issues relating to health and safety the manager implied there was no requirement or welcome for union help or intervention.
GMB ended the meeting, concluding that it was not possible to seek voluntary recognition. The manager was advised that GMB union recognition would be pursued via the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC), the responsible body for resolving collective recognition disputes.
Steve Hutchings, GMB Branch Secretary said:
“We have tried for quite some time to seek a recognition agreement but it is clear that despite the manager’s claims that he’d worked with unions before, the attitude we experienced at our recent meeting painted a different picture.”
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
”Whilst it is disappointing that our relationship will be defined by this attitude in the future, GMB will do nothing but our best to represent our members once we have recognition in place.
“I would have preferred matters to be cordial but it was clear from the get-go that this manager did not have the same opinion.
“DHL has union members at board level in Germany. Clearly, this manager at DHL Didcot has no such respect for the value of unions. This culture and arrogance must change because our job is to represent our members, and that is what GMB will do. Our members here do not believe that a management-run forum is effective or provides our members with a voice for change.”
For more information please contact: Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser on 079 6776 3980 or GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643 /