GMB join protest in Parliament Square over award of Big Ben contract to Robert McAlpine

GMB join protest in Parliament Square today over award of Big Ben contract to blacklisters Sir Robert Mcalpine
It is scandalous that such a lucrative and prestigious contract is given to a founding member of the construction blacklisting organisation says GMB London
GMB will join the protest in Parliament Square today, 5 September 2017, over the £29m Big Ben refurbishment contract given to Sir Robert McAlpine, a founding member of the blacklisting organisation, The Consulting Association.
Blacklisting came to light when in 2009 the ICO seized a Consulting Association database of 3,213 construction workers and environmental activists used by 44 companies to vet new recruits and keep out of employment trade union and health and safety activists.
Company director, Cullum McAlpine was interviewed under oath by the Scottish Affairs select committee but refused to answer many questions put to him by MPs on advice from his lawyer who was sitting next to him throughout. He did however admit that he was the founding chairman of notorious The Consulting Association, that blacklisted over 3,000 union members before it closed following a raid by the ICO. He also admitted that his company had used the blacklist to vet workers on the Olympic stadium. The select committee report endorsed by Conservative, Labour, Liberal and SNP MPs, called for no public contracts to be awarded to the blacklisting contractors.
Sir Robert McAlpine Limited were one of eight major construction firms that paid out millions in compensation, publicly apologised and admitted their guilt in the High Court in 2016.
In May 2016, GMB blacklisted workers received £5.4m in compensation from the construction companies involved in blacklisting, including Sir Robert McAlpine.
Michael Dooley, GMB local representative, who was himself blacklisted, said:
“It is scandalous that such a lucrative and prestigious contract is given to a founding member of the construction blacklisting organisation, The Consulting Association.
“Preventing 3,213 workers earning a living to support their families was a gross injustice and government and employers’ organisations must never forget this sordid episode. Without strong regulation and penalties holding them to account, employers will always be tempted to put profit above people.
“GMB are calling for an investigation into procurement rules and the awarding of this contract.”
Contacts: Michael Dooley 07773 061798
Notes to editors
1) Sir Robert McAlpine is mentioned 150 times in the blacklist files, 90 times with the initials DC (David Cochrane) next to them. In the majority of instances information has been added to the files or they have requested information back if a name check has returned positive. Sir Robert McAlpine put 13 people on to the blacklist and refused work to 28 people, 2 of these people were refused employment twice.
2) Any enquiries about the procurement rules please contact Gary Doolan on 07590262504.