Pay victory for striking parking enforcers in Kensington and Chelsea

Heroic 19-Day strike action results in pay victory for NSL Workers
After 19 days of strike action, NSL finally made an acceptable offer to GMB members working within its’ Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea contract. The hard-fought campaign has now resulted in GMB members accepting a £1.55 per hour increase for this year (14%), taking their hourly rate from £11.95 to £13.50 which is a well-deserved above inflation pay rise
In addition, GMB members have won a commitment from NSL for their pay to increase to £14.25 per hour next year and at least £15 per hour in 2025.
Private companies such as NSL, who are in receipt of taxpayer’s money should pay their workers fair and decent wages and this is a great victory that shows the power and strength of being in a Union.
John Weir, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“NSL Ltd has operated the parking enforcement contract in the borough for over 10 years.
“Workers within the NSL contract were some of the best-paid in London when the contract started but over the years, below inflation increases have seen their pay eroded and at the beginning of these negotiations they were by some margin, the lowest paid. This increase starts to redress this.”
“To take strike action is always a huge decision, but to commit to it for 19 days is nothing short of heroic. Since NSL Ltd has run the Kensington and Chelsea contract, strike action has never taken place, so our members have made history.
“NSL Ltd. and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea will not forget the strength our members have shown in a hurry.”
Contact: John Weir, GMB London Region Organiser 078 1354 2046