More redundancies at Asos in Hertfordshire to follow 300 earlier this year

Asos further redundancies in Leavesdon Hertfordshire to follow 300 earlier job losses to cut costs
More pain to follow on from the 300 Staff made redundant at Leavesdon during the pandemic with jobs offshored to the Philippines denying the National economy of much-needed tax income and local economy of much-needed jobs, says GMB London.
GMB members employed by ASOS at Leavesdon have been told that consultation on further redundancies will begin for staff employed at the workplace.
The numbers of jobs to go, following the 300 jobs lost earlier this year, has not been made clear. See below notes to editors for the GMB London press release on the 300 redundancies
Members have shared with the union an email circulated to all Asos staff by Nick Beighton, Asos CEO. The email reads ‘It should be stressed that this is not an impact of Covid-19. Our recent P3 numbers and our ability to repay furlough, have little or no bearing on this activity. ‘This is about driving long term efficiency, and what we are doing here, simply, is returning to our pre-pandemic plan of re-shaping our organisation to help us deliver on the ambition of being one of the few truly global leaders in retail’.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“If Nick Beighton were to be as transparent and open as possible as he says in his email to staff, he would just say that it is cheaper to move these operations abroad and keep the stockholders happy and wealthy.
Asos employees working at the Leavesdon customer care centre are told that many will receive their redundancy notice. This is a kick in the teeth for those employees who have worked through the pandemic.
So more pain is to follow on from the 300 Staff made redundant at Leavesdon during the pandemic with jobs offshored to the Philippines denying the National economy of much needed tax income and local economy of much needed jobs, says GMB London
GMB London Region condemns the decision and behaviour of Asos CEO, Nick Beighton. GMB London will do all that the union can to ensure that jobs at Asos are protected during the consultation procedures which we hope will be genuine.
GMB London Region is calling on Nick Beighton to do the right thing and put people before profits by keeping these jobs in the UK.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6776 3980
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643
Notes to editors:
GMB London Region press release 29 April 2020,