GMB pledge to support London driver victimised by security firm for trades union activities

GMB pledge to support London driver victimised by security firm for trades union activities
We are greatly insulted with the way Loomis are treating our activists says GMB LondonTerry Clark, a cash in transit driver for Loomis in Dagenham, has been dismissed for trade union activities.
Terry put himself forward to be a GMB shop steward. Paul Meddes, GMB London regional organiser, went to meet with Terry to sort out the paperwork and training. Before the meeting Terry had arranged to meet the Loomis depot manager to seek flexible work to enable him to carry out his duties.
Paul Meddes, GMB London regional organiser said,
“When Paul arrived to meet Terry, the depot manager turned up and asked for 5 minutes to speak to Terry. After the short meeting, Terry, with the depot manager in tow, told me that he’d just been sacked for ‘being disruptive.’
“A GMB national officer contacted the Loomis HR director and was told that it was a misunderstanding and he would be back at work the next day.
“Yesterday Terry received a letter stating that he was still dismissed.
“GMB are greatly insulted with the way Loomis are treating our activists as we are a recognised trade union within the company.
“GMB pledge to support Terry who has been victimised by Loomis for trade union activities.”
Contact: Paul Meddes on 07738 457622