London Ambulance Service transition Emergency Ambulance Crew members to band 5 salary

GMB welcome decision of London Ambulance Service NHS Trust to transition all current and trainee Emergency Ambulance Crew to a band 5 salary
We are delighted that the collective voice of the staff is being listened to and London Ambulance Service have agreed to properly value our members, says GMB London
GMB have welcomed the decision of London Ambulance Service NHS Trust to transition all Emergency Ambulance Crew members to a band 5 salary from September, backdated to 1st March 2019. This comes after the job description was re-evaluated by the Trust’s job evaluation panel.
Further discussions at a Staff Council meeting on 31 July 2019 came to the agreement that members that are in training at the Trust’s Education Centres, Operational Placement Centres or posted to one of the Trust’s Group Stations in their consolidation period, and are receiving a percentage of AfC band 4, will now be paid at the equal percentage of band 5. These adjustments will also be made in September’s pay and where applicable will be backdated to 1st March 2019.
London Ambulance Service have currently paused recruitment to the Emergency Ambulance Crew role to enable them to develop a new AfC Band 4 Job description and contract. Therefore, new arrangements do not apply to anyone in the recruitment pipeline that does not have a formal contract of employment.
Gordon White, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“We are delighted that the collective voice of the staff is being listened to and London Ambulance Service are starting to properly value our members.
“GMB LAS the Union for Ambulance workers asked for a re- evaluation of the EAC and TEAC role back in January 2019. This was taken forward in March 2019 and the re-evaluation panel agreed that this was a band 5 role.
“This is good news for our vast EAC and TEAC membership within the LAS and for the treatment our patients will receive.
“This latest announcement ensures that trainees' time is recognised and valued too. Our Emergency Ambulance Crews, and trainees are in the front line, helping those most in need when they most need it.
“It is a very welcome announcement that has seen their jobs re-evaluated and the pay uplifted. This is a step in the right direction to properly reflect the skills and dedication that these heroes bring to the job.”
Contact: Gordon White 020 8457 4137 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114762