Justice for GMB workplace reps

GMB is appalled to see some Labour Councils using flimsy catch-all accusations of so-called breaches of Codes of Conduct to discipline and dismiss longstanding union reps for standing up for their right to protest and express their views says GMB London.
An example arose in April 2021 when a Labour Council, Islington, dismissed a loyal, longstanding member of staff and GMB representative, Gary Bolister after 24 years of service and a previously completely unblemished disciplinary record.
Gary was dismissed for speaking out and taking part in peaceful and lawful protests (in line with COVID restrictions) as an Islington resident, against the implementation of Low Traffic Neighbourhood Schemes (LTNs).
At GMB’s annual Congress today, Tuesday 8th June passed a motion calling for GMB to lobby and campaign for the rights of free speech and for lawful peaceful protests. Council and other public sector employees must have the right to lawfully express their views without being penalised.
Vaughan West, GMB London Region Political Officer said:
GMB will always support and protect our reps when they stand up for their lawful beliefs, whether during their working or personal time.
The GMB believes that Council workers who also reside in the local authority in which they are employed have the same rights as all residents to be properly consulted and express opinion on issues affecting their neighbourhoods and the communities in which they live, such as the introduction of traffic calming and control measures which have been a cause of concern for residents in the London Borough of Islington.
GMB London is calling for Council and public sector employers to ensure that all their employees expressing support for campaigns counter to that of their employer should not be censored, gagged, penalised by the use of social media policy clauses in the employers’ Code of Conduct as a questionable means of pursing disciplinary action against its employees who have exercised their rights to peaceful protest.
Contact: Vaughan West, GMB London Region Political Officer 079 6734 2197
Editors notes
GMB London - Reinstate Gary Bolister Campaign
Text of the motion carried by GMB Congress:
This Congress is appalled to see some Labour Councils using flimsy catch-all accusations of so-called breaches of Codes of Conduct to discipline and dismiss long-standing union reps for standing up for their right to protest and express their views.
The most recent example arose in April 2021 when a Labour Council, Islington, dismissed a loyal, long-standing member of staff and GMB representative, Gary Bolister after 24 years of service and a previously completely unblemished disciplinary record.
Our member has in effect been dismissed for speaking out and taking part in peaceful and lawful protests (in line with Covid restrictions) as an Islington resident, against the implementation of Low Traffic Neighbourhood Schemes (LTNs). Congress calls upon the CEC to:-
- Lobby and campaign for the rights of free speech and lawful peaceful protests;
- The right of council and other public sector employees to lawfully express their views without views of being disciplined;
- Campaign against the use of employers Codes of Conduct to silence political opposition;
- Support and protect our reps when they stand up for their lawful beliefs whether during their working or personal time;
- Raise the profile of the campaign calling on Islington Council to reinstate Gary Bolister.