Industrial action to hit specialist utilities pipework company

GMB Members at Crane Building Services and Utilities have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action in a dispute with their employer over pay.
GMB’s members who work for the Crane Building Services and Utilities in Hitchen have been balloted over the last two weeks. With a turnout of 84 per cent, GMB announced yesterday (Thursday 2nd May) that by an overwhelming 97 per cent, members voted in favour of strike action.
GMB reps will be meeting with members to co-ordinate strike days.
Crane Buildings Services and Utilities design and manufacture a range of engineered flow control products and solutions for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and Utility sectors.
Andre Marques, GMB London Regional Organiser said:
“The result is a huge indication of the strength of feeling among our members at Crane. We have been through a long process of negotiations with the company including ACAS talks but so far they have refused to budge on their current 5 per cent offer.
“These are skilled workers and 5 per cent is an insult to our members, and hardly in keeping with the resolution of the company founder, R.T Crane.
“GMB now urge management to reflect on the result of the ballot and to come back to the table with a meaningful increase that our members can accept, or face the fact that strike action will impact production.”