GMB wins recognition at EAT food Wembley plant

GMB wins recognition at EAT food Wembley plant
GMB WINS RECOGNITION AT EAT FOOD WEMBLEY PLANTThe members in EAT decided to take back a bit of control to themselves, they have seen the positive effects of what we have all done together says GMB London
GMB members at EAT Wembley have reason to celebrate following the Union recognition ballot held on18th May 2017. (see notes to editors for previous release on the ballot)
The on-site ballot was conducted by ACAS, on behalf of the Union, and the results were issued to EAT and GMB on 1st June. 75% voted in favour of recognition so GMB can now represent them in negotiations with the company.
GMB and EAT are now expected to sign the Recognition Agreement by the 9th of June.
Hiten Yaidya, GMB Regional Organiser, said
“I have a lot of experience organising within these communities, and have found that sometimes, because they may not have the knowledge of the protections the law can offer, people are open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.
“The members in EAT decided to take back a bit of control to themselves, and they stuck with us, through thick and thin, they have seen the positive effects for themselves of what we have all done, together. Family is central to Asian Culture, and EAT workers have strengthened and extended their ties with each other, by combining through a strong, effective Trade Union. They have become part of the GMB family.”
Richard Owen, GMB Regional Organiser, said
“I am so very pleased by the emphatic vote of confidence given by EAT employees to THEIR Union. We have all, and especially the reps, worked very hard for this result.
“This really does go to show that working people can, if they are given the opportunity, through doing something as basic as joining a Union, acquire the ability to organise and defend themselves.
“In many of the food industry facilities in London, the vast majority of the Employees are drawn from the various and diverse communities which are local to them, and are predominantly of Asian origin. Many of these loyal and hard-working people have English only as a second language, and are often reluctant to challenge an Employer who, after all, has all the advantages which go to those with the authority to dismiss Employees with impunity, (in the absence of a strong Union). When people from these communities are made aware of their rights, and are encouraged to become Union members, they gain confidence from the knowledge that they have the backing of a Trade Union.
“This week, of all weeks, when there is a real risk of five more years of Tory Austerity, Worker-bashing, and of yet more attacks on workers’ rights, as we head for the Exit of the EU, which, whether we like it or not, has done more to enshrine Employment Protection Rights than over a hundred years of domestic legislation; the message to ordinary working folk is stark and clear: Organise collectively, or let Employers walk all over you, in the name of “competitiveness”, “efficiency”, or “market forces.”
“It is genuinely inspirational to see how workers, who, frankly, were once not considered as worthy of proper consultation, almost visibly stand taller, as they are treated with new-found respect.”
“I am very proud of what our Union collectively, has achieved so far, but of course this is not the end of anything. In a way, the hard work starts here.
“GMB will always strive to work co-operatively with employers who take a constructive view of Union recognition, and we trust that this will be a beginning of a new chapter in EAT’s relationship with its main assets, its employees.”
Contact: Richard Owen on 07974 179 285 or Hiten Vaidya on 07552 120 740
Notes to editors
1) GMB press release 12 April 2017
ACAS ballot of 200 EAT food workers at Wembley plant from 2nd May over union rights for GMB members
This has been a long and at times difficult process, but we are in the final straight now, and we shall succeed, I am sure says GMB London Organiser
During week commencing 2nd May ACAS will conduct a ballot of approximately 200 shop floor food workers at EAT plant in Wembley to establish whether the workforce want GMB union to represent them in negotiations with the company.
Eat Kitchens is based in Fourth Way in Wembley . Workers are employed in prepeparing ingredients, cooking and packaging food , ready to be delivered to the EAT shops.
GMB has been dealing with a wide range of issues that the workforce has raised and has made great progress on bonus pay, holiday pay and number of working hours.
At a meeting at ACAS on 27th February it was agreed that ACAS would conduct a membership audit to establish that more than half the workforce were members of GMB. ACAS has done this and confirmed that this is the case.
The company now want ACAS to ballot the whole shop floor workforce to confirm that they want GMB union to represent them in negotiations with the company. The ballot will be held during week commencing 2nd May.
Richard Owen, GMB Regional Organiser, said
"This has been a long and at times difficult process, but we are in the final straight now, and we shall succeed, I am sure.
It shows that working people can achieve so much when they stick together, and stick to their principles."
Hiten Yaidya, GMB Regional Organiser, said
"GMB has many members who receive better pay and conditions and the union is there to help when they need support.
GMB has a long and very good track record, particularly in food industry, of organising workers and negotiating on their behalf for them to get better pay,terms and conditions."
Contact: Richard Owen on 07974 179 285 or Hiten Vaidya on 07552 120 740