GMB Welcome court of appeal decision to reject Pimlico plumbers

GMB Welcome court of appeal decision to reject Pimlico plumbers appeal over worker status of former worker.
This case, like the Uber case in October 2016, is yet another victory for the bogus self-employed who have been treated appallingly by their employer says GMB.
GMB, the union for workers in Uber and other bogus self employed workers, welcome the Court of Appeal decision made on another bogus self-employment case.
Garry Smith, a plumber working for Pimlico Plumbers in London, had worked for the company from 2005 to 2011 under a contract stating he was self employed. However, he was required to wear a Pimlico uniform, drive a Pimlico branded van and would be contacted by customers and sent on jobs by Pimlico.
Following the termination of his contract he brought several claims, including unfair dismissal, to the Employment Tribunal. They determined that he was not an employee but was of ‘worker status.’ Workers do not benefit from all employment rights but they are entitled to holiday pay and the National Minimum Wage.
Maria Ludkin, GMB Legal Director said:
“This case, like the Uber case in October 2016, is yet another victory for the bogus self-employed who have been treated appallingly by their employer. All they want is basic employment rights as are enjoyed by the majority, including the right to be paid a minimum wage and holiday pay.
While these plumbers are making Charlie Mullins even more millions he needs to get his house in order and start respecting basic workers’ rights.
The threat by the Deliveroo drivers in Brighton to take action for better pay and more work shows that workers are beginning to stand up against exploitative self employed contracts. GMB will support members seeking to stop exploitation.”
Contact: Maria Ludkin on 07956 632 657