GMB urge TfL to phase in new policy in the age of the cab fleet

GMB urge TfL to phase in the reduction to 15 in the age of the cab fleet to allow older cab drivers to earn living to pension age
Whilst we accept the need to improve air quality we are still deeply concerned that this will affect drivers in their twilight work year, says GMB London
GMB, the union for professional drivers, is urging TfL to be flexible in phasing in the new policy of reducing the age of the cab fleet to 15 years by making an exception for older long term drivers facing difficulty in econically replacing vehicles before reaching retirement age.
GMB fully accept and support the reasons for reducing the age of the cab fleet to get cleaner air. However, the phasing in of the changes so as not to prevent a small number of long term older drivers from earning a living is only fair and proper.
Steve Garelick GMB Regional Organiser said,
“Whilst we accept the need to improve air quality we are still deeply concerned that this will affect drivers in their twilight work years.
“We are concerned that with the extra cost to keep vehicles on the road those companies that rent vehicles will stop this as the cost and will not show a decent return on investment.
“It is already difficult for drivers to find vehicles in the rental market.
“GMB is committed to drivers and their families.”
Contact: Steve Garelick on 07967 763980 GMB London Press Office on 0758 303 9451
Notes to Editors
1] THP Notice – Taxi vehicle age limits and exemptions