GMB Union’s King’s Lynn branch presented King's Lynn Town Football Club with a cheque for sponsorship

Proudly supporting their local football club, branch secretary Dave Dennis and branch chair Barry Tice together with accompanying reps Jo Rust and Les Thurlow made the sponsorship cheque presentation on Friday 10th September. A move seen by the branch members to demonstrate how helping the community is as much a part of branch business as representing GMB members who need help with workplace issues.
Dave Dennis, GMB branch secretary said:
“The work the union’s branch undertakes to support our members in the workforce extends to the sport so many of us enjoy in our leisure time. As a long time King’s Lynn Town football supporter, we jumped at the chance to get involved in the club in this way.”
GMB Union provides support and representation for workers across many sectors and industries. Workers in unions are usually better paid and have better work terms and conditions than workers not in a union. If you would like to join please visit
Contact: Dave Dennis or Barry Tice, 01603 626 492 / 01553 810 790