GMB Union welcomes recognition with Trans Rights charity

GMB has signed a Recognition Agreement with Gendered Intelligence, one of Britain’s leading Trans Support charities.
On the 17th of May 2024, Gendered Intelligence (GI) signed a voluntary Recognition Agreement with GMB Union. The Agreement sees full facility time for reps and bargaining rights for the staff of GI, with provisions for recruitment, consultation, and collaborative working for the charity based in Islington.
Gendered Intelligence is a trans-led and trans-involving charity that works to increase understanding of gender diversity and improve the lives of trans people. GI also deliver projects and activities to trans, non-binary, and gender-questioning people, as well as a range of education, training and consultancy to organisations and individuals who are working to better their inclusive practices.
Georgie McVicar, GMB rep at GI, said:
“GMB has worked towards the recognition agreement with the company and as a rep, I am looking forward to taking advantage of the provision to benefit the union and the company. We are a niche organisation with an ever-growing area of influence, and we are glad that the GMB is the union for our staff to join and take part in.”
Michael Dooley, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“Signing a recognition deal is always good for the union, but it is an added benefit in this case, as it is great to see GMB London Region at the forefront of positive changes in society and working with the organisations who are involved in promoting those changes for a more equitable, diverse and inclusive society.”