GMB to hold Asda protests against Contract 6

GMB London Region to hold September protests at Asda stores across London and East of England against Contract 6
We have made it clear to Asda that it's not good enough and it’s not acceptable, says GMB London
GMB London Region are holding a number of demonstrations in September across London and the East of England in protest against Contract 6. Asda employees are being faced with the sack if they do not sign the contract which strips away many of their terms and conditions.
Despite having a 63 pence per hour increase on the original contracts, Contract 6 would leave GMB members on other Asda contracts worse off due to changes to paid meal breaks, the loss of hours, changes to the night shift window and a flat rate for bank holiday work.
The flexible contract also means the company has the ability to change the number of staff working days, hours and their department with just 4-week notice.
GMB have undertaken two demonstrations at Asda House, in Leeds, on 1st May and 14th August to make the feelings of GMB members clear that they will continue to fight for better pay, terms and conditions..
Details of the September protests are as follows:
5th September 2019
9am to 4pm
Asda Colindale
5th September 2019
9am to 4pm
Asda Wembley
5th September 2019
9am to 4pm
Asda Park Royal
Park Royal
NW10 7LW
16th September 2019
9am to 4pm
Asda Lowestoft
NR33 0PX
16th September 2019
9am to 4pm
Asda Great Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth
NR30 1SF
16th September 2019
9am to 4pm
Asda Norwich
Keith Dixon, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“Asda was formed from a Leeds family company built on proud Yorkshire values of hard work and respect. They would be spinning in their graves now.
“Asda’s workers have received letters from Asda saying they’ll be sacked in 12 weeks’ time unless they sign this punishing new contract.
“The new contract, Contract 6, allows Asda to change your pay, terms and conditions, without consultation or agreement. This gives workers no security!
“Loyal Asda colleagues are being rewarded with cuts to terms & conditions, face giving up work to look after elderly or disabled parents and relatives and single parents may sacrifice their only source of income.
“Members are also reporting bullying and pressure being applied to force them onto the new contract.
“GMB have made it clear to Asda that it's not good enough and it’s not acceptable. Asda is a multi-billion pound company. It doesn’t have to do this to it's workforce.
“I would welcome all Asda colleagues to join GMB at the stores listed above so that we can continue to challenge this unfair imposition of Contract 6 and the degrading of workers terms and conditions within GMB London Region.”
Contact: Keith Dixon 07703 469403 or or GMB London Press Office 07970 114762