GMB support Newham Council motion to become accredited Living Wage Employer

GMB support Newham Council motion to become accredited London Living Wage Employer and pay all directly employed staff £10.55 per hour
We look forward to working with the Newham as they strive to tackle in-work poverty and promote social mobility, which comes with being an accredited Living Wage Employer says GMB London
GMB are supporting a motion due to be put forward by Newham Councillor Mas Patel at a council meeting on Monday 10 December, to make Newham Council an accredited London Living Wage accredited employer.
If the motion is carried it will mean all staff directly employed by Newham Council will be paid at least £10.55 per hour, a figure independently calculated by the Living Wage Foundation to find the real cost of living in London.
The motion also states it will ‘agree a binding plan of implementation with the Living Wage Foundation’ which would ensure staff employed by contractors who work for Newham Council, also receive the London Living Wage.
Gordon White, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“GMB are very proud to have worked so closely with Newham in pushing through this motion that will see all directly employed staff paid at least the London Living Wage of £10.55 per hour.
“GMB look forward to working with the council as they strive to tackle in-work poverty and promote social mobility, which comes with being an accredited Living Wage Employer.
“We also support the motion’s ‘binding plan of implementation’ which will include all staff employed by contractors who work for Newham Council.”
Contact: Gordon White 020 84574137 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114762