GMB support Million Women Rise March

GMB support Million Women Rise March on Saturday 9 March for victims of domestic abuse
We demand this government puts back the money they have raided from essential services that support women and children to escape their abusers and make them safe, says GMB London
GMB are supporting the Million Women Rise March on Saturday 9th March. The march is to demand funding for victims of domestic abuse. This year’s theme for march is ‘Never Forgotten’.
Details of the march are as follows:
Saturday 9th March 2019
12:30 PM
Duke Street (Next to Selfridges)
Participants are encouraged to wear something red in solidarity with victims of domestic abuse.
Sue Hackett, GMB Equality Officer on behalf of the GMB Sisters said:
“GMB London Region send greetings & best wishes to all the women & girls at the Million Women Rise March in London tomorrow.
“GMB Sisters will be joining the march in support of the 100+ women and girls killed in the UK by men, they are NEVER FORGOTTEN!
“GMB Sisters demand better services for domestic abuse victims. We demand this government puts back the money they have raided from essential services that support women and children to escape their abusers and make them safe, fund women’s refuges properly!
“A government’s duty first and foremost is to keep its citizens safe, to provide sanctuary for the most vulnerable people in our society and yet they have made a choice to fail them. Allowing essential services to be stripped to the bone. When we see tax breaks for the wealthy, no real commitment to closing loopholes for tax avoidance and no proper sanctions for the tax evaders, they have no credibility for their austerity agenda, these are, the burning injustices propagated by this uncaring government.
“GMB Union recognise that domestic abuse is a workplace issue and work hard to make sure there are policies in place to support women in work. GMB Sisters welcome the recent announcement by Dawn Butler MP that the next Labour Government will require employers to have a domestic abuse employment policy and provide up to 10 days paid leave.
“A Woman’s Place is in her Union – Solidarity Sisters!”
Contact: Sue Hackett 07813 542 070 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114 762
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