GMB support Enfield Council signing of Charter Against Modern Slavery

GMB London Region support Enfield Council as they sign Charter Against Modern Slavery on Anti-Slavery day
Modern Slavery, and trafficking, in all its forms undermine the fabric of our society by targeting the most vulnerable, says GMB London Region
GMB London Region have today supported the signing of the Charter Against Modern Slavery by Enfield Council, to commemorate Anti-Slavery Day (18 Oct).
The Charter calls for a number of policies to be implemented by Enfield Council following its signing which include; requirement of its contractors to comply fully with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, wherever it applies; challenge any abnormally low-cost tenders to ensure they do not rely upon the potential contractor practising modern slavery; highlight to suppliers that contracted workers are free to join a trade union; and publicise its whistle-blowing system for staff to blow the whistle on any suspected examples of modern slavery.
GMB joined representatives from the police, other unions, and councillors from across the council including the shadow cabinet as witnesses to the signing
Gordon White, GMB Regional Officer said:
“GMB London Region is pleased to be supporting Enfield Council as they sign their Charter Against Modern Slavery, today on Anti-Slavery Day.
“It is an insult to civilised society that slavery continues to destroy lives right here in London in 2018. Modern Slavery, and trafficking, in all its forms undermine the fabric of our society by targeting the most vulnerable.
“GMB is proud to stand against all forms exploitation and are happy to support the London Borough of Enfield in their efforts to eradicate such a blight to our community.”
Contact: Gordon White 020 8457 4137 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114 762