GMB slam Stansted airport job cuts and pledge full support to oppose these proposals

GMB London oppose the opportunistic attempt by ABM to make 25% of their loyal employees redundant and force pay cuts on our members who remain employed at Stansted Airport. ABM are contracted to undertake baggage handling and check in procedures for Ryanair.
Gary Pearce, GMB London Regional Organiser said:
"GMB London believe ABM is in breach of the government’s furlough job retention scheme and GMB is calling for the government to have more stringent rules about how a furlough scheme must be implemented. It’s inconceivable that a public funded scheme with the overview to protect jobs is used to get rid of workers by making them redundant. There should be clear guidance, that it is a job retention scheme and ABM should hold off until after the lock down when there is a cost natural scheme in place.
GMB believes it is critical that the government announces a comprehensive support package for the entire aviation sector to safeguard jobs and protect companies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid the catastrophic impact on the economy around Stansted that relies on the economic success of the airport.
Our members are outraged by ABM’s opportunistic attempt to make redundancies during this pandemic and will leave no stone unturned in challenging the company’s proposal."
Gary Peace, GMB London Regional Organiser 078 5003 6952
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643