GMB shocked by Unilever closure

GMB shocked by devastating news that Colman’s of Norwich is to close in 2019
This is absolutely devastating news for the workforce at Colman’s, for the city of Norwich and for manufacturing in East Anglia says GMB London and Eastern RegionGMB has just been informed by Unilever that it intends to close their factory in Norwich in 2019.
Unilever have decided to move production of Colman’s mustard to Burton of Trent, and some to Germany, with a new facility opening in Norwich for milling mustard seeds, co-run with local farmers.
The closure of the factory will impact all 113 jobs, with 43 transferred to the site in Burton on Trent, 20 to the new facility in Norwich, and all other workers being made redundant.
Warren Kenny, GMB Regional Secretary said:
“This is absolutely devastating news for the workforce at Colman’s, for the city of Norwich and for manufacturing in East Anglia.
“GMB has just heard the news and it is our immediate intention to speak with our members at Unilever and to seek an immediate meeting with the company and local elected representatives to fully understand what has lead Unilever to make this devastating decision, and whether there are alternatives that should, and must be considered.”
Contact: Ivan Mercer on 07713 077194 or GMB Press Office on 07970 114 762