GMB members reject TRS Wholesale contract dated 2013

GMB members at Southall Cash and Carry firm reject reduction in terms and conditions of employment
Their mission statement concerning investment in staff should be taken with a pinch of salt, says GMB London
GMB, the union for workers at TRS Wholesale have advised the company that GMB members will not agree to accept and sign a contract of employment recently given to its 40 employees, dated 2013. The contract varies the terms and conditions that they have worked under since they first commenced employment with the company.
TRS Wholesale are a family run business based in Southall, and are one of the largest suppliers of ethnic foods within the European market place. Part of their mission statement, states that "We constantly invest in our staff as well as our wholesale and cash and carry facilities.”
The new contract introduces illegal terms in regard to only paying staff £1 for accrued holiday pay, to those who are dismissed for gross misconduct or for not giving appropriate resignation notice.
Keith Williams, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“Issuing workers with a revised contract to sign and accept with a date of 2013 is like something you would expect to see from the days of Blue Peter, 'Here's one we prepared earlier.' If asking workers to sign and accept a contract 5 years later that changes their terms & conditions is investment in staff, then TRS's mission statement needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
“We have just got over the festive and New Year break, however, you would think that it was the 1st April. TRS are attempting to impose a contract on workers dated 2013 in 2018, with inferior terms, without consulting workers, the contract of which incorporates illegal terms in regard to only paying staff £1 for accrued holiday pay, to those who are dismissed for gross misconduct or for not giving appropriate resignation notice.
"We have been given to understand that employees have been told that if they didn't sign to accept the contract that they would not be paid. Threatening employees that they will not be paid unless they accept inferior conditions has no place within a 21st Century workplace.
“We have written to the company on our members behalf advising that GMB members will not be signing these contracts, and should the company pursue this issue, then we will take the appropriate measures to ensure that our members rights are protected.
“If TRS are true to their mission statement, then TRS Wholesale Ltd will do the right thing and withdraw these backdated contracts and sit down with the GMB and our members to discuss this matter using a common sense approach.”
Contact: Keith Williams 07710 631 339 or GMB Press Office 07970 114 762