GMB members protest sacking of Amey electrician

GMB members protest in support of electrician sacked by Amey for raising concern over working practices
This is another example of Amey dismissing staff who raise legitimate concerns, says GMB London
GMB members will be protesting tomorrow in support of Frank Osei who was sacked by Amey. Details of the protest are as follows:
Tuesday 20 March
1:30 PM
Outside Camden Town Hall
Judd St
Frank had worked in Camden for 10 years as an electrician and there were no previous complaints with his work. Issues only arose when Amey won the outsourced contract. Frank raised concerns about changes to working practices that Amey wanted to make with his line manager.
Shortly afterwards his manager attempted to discipline him for fraud. Frank cleared his name only to be dismissed a year later by a different manager who had been brought in when the previous management team had been replaced.
The employer said that Frank's "insubordinate" behaviour had led to a breakdown of trust and confidence and the working relationship was no longer tenable.
Frank submitted a grievance during the proceedings citing bullying and harassment and that his manager had abused his position of authority. Amey HR failed to deal with the grievance.
Frank Osei, GMB member said:
"I've worked in Camden for many years and have always done a good job, but since Amey took over the contract, the managers have made life really difficult for me and my colleagues.
"I feel so let down by Amey. The company prides itself on its ethics, integrity and accountability and emphasises what its clients can expect from them, but doesn't extend this ethos to its own staff."
Helen Purcell, GMB Regional Organiser said:
"This is another example of Amey dismissing staff who raise legitimate concerns. Just last week an employment tribunal ruled in favour of 2 claimants who had been dismissed for raising health and safety issues at Liverpool prison.
“It seems that Amey are not prepared to listen to feedback from their skilled and experienced staff, preferring to label them as trouble-makers. It is our belief that local management at Amey wanted Frank out of the way so they could impose a change to working hours.
“Frank's colleagues are all supporting him and have given up their lunch breaks to protest over his dismissal.
"Day 5 of the protest has been organised by Dennis McNulty, Camden Branch Secretary, and will be held outside Camden Town Hall. Frank and his colleagues will be joined by GMB members from other workplaces as well as the London Regional Secretary, Warren Kenny, General Secretary, Tim Roache and the GMB Central Executive Committee.
Warren Kenny, GMB Regional Secretary said:
"GMB's Central Executive Committee regularly meets at Camden premises and will be at the Town Hall tomorrow for a meeting.
“GMB is sick and tired of contractors like Amey treating our members with contempt when they dare to raise their head above the parapet. We will do everything we can to support Frank and we hope Amey apply a common sense approach and reinstate Frank as soon as possible."
Contact: Helen Purcell 07813 542 046 or GMB Press Office 07970 114 762