GMB members in Greener Ealing Ltd vote on the long overdue pay offer this morning

After 91% of GMB members showed their willingness to take strike action, a pay offer has finally been made by Greener Ealing Ltd. GMB members are being balloted on a pay offer of £2000 for all employees, plus a £250 bonus payment.
Keith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Organiser said:
“Following seven months of delays caused by Greener Ealing Ltd and Ealing Council, we have now received a pay offer we are balloting our members on. These negotiations have not only been about pay, but respect for our members. They should never have had to wait this long, with such uncertainty over their pay, while others in Ealing have prioritised paying themselves before their workers.”
He added “The problems that have arisen over the course of these pay negotiations also reveal concerning issues about how Ealing Council fund Greener Ealing. Without proper financial planning, the council and Greener Ealing Ltd will find themselves once again in a mess of their own making.”
The results of the consultative ballot on the pay offer will be announced this week.
Contact: Keith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Organiser 077 1063 1339
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