GMB London support TUC rally for 'a new deal for working people' on 12 May

GMB call on members to mobilise for TUC march and rally for ‘a new deal for working people’ on 12 May
In the last decade workers across all industries have been faced with the rapid growth in precarious, casual work, often low paid or zero hour contracts, says GMB London
GMB are supporting the TUC's national march and rally for ‘a new deal for working people’ as part of its TUC Great Jobs Agenda campaign.
TUC created the Great Jobs Agenda to give the trade union movement a common set of bargaining asks in workplaces. They include; be paid fairly, work in a safe and healthy environment, be treated decently, have regular hours, get a voice on what matters at work, and have the chance to get on in life.
GMB London are encouraging all members to attend the march and rally. Details of the event are as follows:
Saturday 12th May 2018
Assembling at:
Embankment between Hungerford Bridge and Blackfriars Bridge
11 AM
Moving to:
Hyde Park
Speakers include:
Frances O’Grady
TUC General Secretary
Finishing at:
Warren Kenny, Regional Secretary said:
“In the last decade workers across all industries have been faced with the rapid growth in precarious, casual work, often low paid or zero hour contracts and in working environments which are far less safe than those where trade union collective agreements and TU safety reps exist.
“In a modern, fair society, it should not be viewed by some politicians as ‘intolerable’ to expect to be treated with dignity, respect and to work in a safe environment where you can feel confident of returning home to your family safely once your shift has finished.
“Fair and balanced employment practises and laws have been hard fought for over many decades. They exist to protect working people from inequality, bullying, and to provide them with the most basic rights anyone should be entitled to expect.”
Contact: Dave Powell 07710 631 349 or Tony Warr 07710 631 336 or Shaun Graham 07885 706 556 or Keith Williams 07710 631 339 or GMB Press Office 07970 114 762