GMB London slams Asda for instructing management to discipline workers wearing ‘Smart-Price Wages’ campaign badges on day of action over pay offer

GMB London slams Asda for instructing management to discipline workers wearing ‘Smart-Price Wages’ campaign badges on day of action over pay offer
GMB London Region’s disgusted members at Asda undertaking a day of action today, 8th April, across all London and East of England stores Asda stores face disciplinary action for wearing a ‘Smart-Price Wages’ campaign badge in an attempt to gag its workforce from speaking says GMB London Region.
GMB Union, the trade union for Asda workers has challenged Asda over the disgraceful pay deal offered to Asda workers, but the once well-respected company has refused to negotiate further on the pay offer.
Asda has recorded a rise in profits in the first year under the Issa brothers’ ownership, Asda’s operating profit in 2021 increased by 42% to £693.1m (2020: £486.5m) compared with the previous year, based on these figures Asda can afford to reward the workers whose efforts got the business through the pandemic.
Keith Dixon, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“I have been approached today within the Asda Lowestoft store and challenged by the store’s management about why I am in the store.
“Members within the store have reported to me that one of Asda’s managers is actively challenging them for wearing the badges and citing they are breaching dress standards.
“Asda workers are currently the lowest-paid retail workers amongst all major supermarkets. GMB members at Asda have told me that colleagues are now resorting to using food banks to feed their families, that’s nothing for Asda to be proud of, and that is why members in Asda are having a day of action.
“It’s time for Asda to return to the negotiating table to resolve the issue of pay, terms and conditions. Work with GMB to return the employer to one that respected its workforce and gives Asda colleagues the respect and pride of yesteryear they so deserve.”
Contact: Keith Dixon, GMB London Region Organiser 077 0346 9403