GMB London says our top priority is to protect jobs at Heathrow

GMB London is calling on Mr Holland Kaye, chief executive of Heathrow Airport Ltd to meet with unions to call for government support with a package that will save jobs and get the UK flying again.
The top priority of GMB London is to protect jobs in the aviation sector including Heathrow airport and the rest of the airports in the region.
GMB London, the union for workers in the aviation industry has today learnt that Heathrow Airport has launched a voluntary severance scheme in a bid to reduce the employee headcount at Heathrow. In addition the this action, Mr Holland Kaye said that that further job losses cannot be ruled out.
Trevlyn McLeod, GMB London Region Organiser said:
"To date most workers are off on furlough and GMB will be looking for employers to draw down reserves from their previous profitable years to sustain jobs and capability that will be needed again when this public health emergency is over.
it seems premature to cut all these jobs when the aviation industry seems to be sprouting green shoots if you consider the predictions for the months ahead across Heathrow Airport, and the airlines GMB works with across the aviation industry.
The top priority of GMB London is to protect jobs in the aviation sector including Heathrow airport and the other airports in the region.
GMB London will be seeking talks with the employer to discuss the current position and to examine all the options including more transitional measures from government to help the aviation sector survive and recover. GMB recognise that these are very difficult times for all workers in the sector and their families. Their interests are our highest priority. "
Trevlyn McLeod, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6813 7967
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643
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