GMB London Region welcomes Milton Keynes Council’s adoption of GMB’s Domestic Abuse Charter

GMB London Region welcomes the decision by Labour-led Milton Keynes Council to formally implement better support for employees who suffer from domestic abuse after adopting the GMB Union Stop Domestic Abuse Charter.
Working with the GMB London Region, the decision taken on Tuesday evening will ensure that the council, as an employer, will sign up to high support standards for employees dealing with domestic abuse, including additional leave if required, mental health support and access to victim support.
The council is also pledging to ensure more staff are trained in spotting domestic abuse and highlighting the signs that not all abuse is physical. Council employees will then be able to use these skills when delivering services to members of the public, helping the more general fight against domestic abuse.
By adopting the Charter the council believes it won’t just be helping individuals who suffer abuse, but it will help to retain and support staff who may otherwise be lost.
The Charter supports the recently adopted MK Domestic Abuse Reduction Strategy that is aiming to reduce overall levels of domestic abuse in MK, and the councils own Domestic Abuse Policy that is a good practice guide for managers. It has been worked on by the GMB London Region, Emily Orchard, the Labour Group Political Assistant, and MK Council HR Team.
Cllr Peter Marland, Leader of MK Council said:
“One in four women and one in six men suffer at some point from domestic abuse. The impact can be devastating. MK Council is committed to reducing the overall level of domestic abuse and tackling the results of abuse. It starts with being a good employer and ensuring our own staff are helped if in that situation, and that they are trained to spot the signs of domestic abuse where it may be happening and what to do in those circumstances.”
Richard Owen, GMB Union Regional Organiser said:
“It is important that local authorities adopt a gold standard when it comes to Domestic Abuse. As a union, we are pleased Milton Keynes Council is adopting the GMB Stop Domestic Abuse Charter. It will not just help people directly affected with support, but will hopefully help identify more abuse where it is happening and improve the workplace. No one should have to suffer twice for domestic abuse, so adopting policies that support employees during a difficult time makes sense for them and the local authority.”
Cllr Marland concluded:
“Adopting this Charter is the right thing to do, but it’s also the sensible thing to do. Retaining staff, improving the services we give to the public and helping vulnerable people are the standards all employers should aim for and Milton Keynes Council is again leading by example.”
Other local authorities that have adopted the GMB Domestic Abuse Charter include London Borough’s Ealing, Brent, Barking & Dagenham and Redbridge. Thomas Deacon Education Multi Academy Trust has also adopted GMB’s Charter and Policy.
GMB London Region calls on other councils in London and the East of England and academy trusts to adopt GMB’s Domestic Abuse Charter and Policy so that proper training of managers will ensure the provision of appropriate support to employees experiencing domestic abuse. GMB stands firm in recognition that domestic abuse is a workplace issue and by adopting GMB’s DA Charter and Policy employers show a commitment to tackling domestic abuse.
Richard Owen, GMB London Region Officer 079 7417 9285
Keith Williams, GMB London Region Senior Officer 077 1063 1339
Editors notes
GMB London Region Press Release, 14 December 2020
GMB London Region Press Release, 21 October 2020