GMB London has today been informed of further aviation job losses at Heathrow as Menzies issues redundancy notice to 1050 employees

GMB London has heard today that there are more aviation jobs losses as Menzies issues redundancy notice to 1050 employees at Heathrow airport
GMB London Region has today been informed that following a recent loss a 446 jobs Menzies Aviation is now having to make further redundancies at Heathrow because of the impact of the pandemic.
GMB, the union for workers in aviation and the supply chain has reported all too often the crisis at our regional airports. Job losses, reduced hours and changes to the terms and conditions for our members working at airports and the supply chain is a weekly, if not daily occurrence. We have demonstrated and we are campaigning hard with our call for the government to step up, step in and save the aviation industry. It seems our call is falling on deaf ears as we hear of more job losses and we witness the decimation of an entire industry.
Trevlyn McLeod, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“I looked at my phone this morning to see a message from the VP of Menzies Aviation at Heathrow saying that Menzies was issuing HR1 notices to 1050 of its staff, not only that but all Menzies staff will have to have 50% of their hours cut. I was so shocked, especially because we have only just gone through a round of 446 redundancies.
I am facing our members daily, listening to their devastating news and concerns. They are terrified about what is happening, they tell me that if their hours are cut by 50% then their pay is cut by 50% but their mortgages and bills aren’t cut by 50%. Members fear that they will lose their homes and their livelihoods because their household incomes are dependent on jobs at Heathrow airport and the supply chain. These are hardworking and proud people who are not looking for a handout, they want to keep their jobs, they want to work and the only way that can happen is with government support. Other countries have extended the furlough scheme, why can’t ours?
The government needs to stop ignoring the facts, this industry is on its knees.”
GMB London Region is calling on the government to act now and take urgent action to extend the Job Retention Scheme beyond October and to put in place an industry-specific package that will stop further job losses until the industry returns to a level of flights and passengers seen before the pandemic.
Trevlyn McLeod, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6813 7967
GMB London Region Press Office 0ffice 079 7001 9643