GMB London call on Mayor to end practices that undermine and discredit second estate ballot on Camden estate facing demolition

What can only be described as a cartel culture is emerging between local authorities, housing associations and Civica Electoral Services on the growingly discredited ballot process says GMB London
GMB London is calling on the Mayor of London to crack down on practices that undermine and discredit the estate balloting process he introduced to protect the rights of residents on council and housing estates facing demolition.
One Housing is planning to use a loophole in the guidelines for a second ballot for demolition for residents of Juniper Crescent estate in Camden. This follows the first ballot in 2020 which saw residents overwhelming reject demolition. See notes to editors below for previous GMB London press release on this estate.
One Housing originally decided to exclude intermediate tenants from the second ballot on the advice of Civica Electoral Services. Pressure has now led to this practice, which is contrary to guidelines, being abandoned.
One Housing is refusing to allow the Tenants and Residents Association to choose their own advisors despite this being in the GLA Guidance.
One Housing has also still not published the landlord offer contrary to the guidance as One Housing is claiming that the second ballot has to happen in the next few months.
Peter Roberts, GMB London Region Political Officer said:
"What we are beginning to see is what can only be described as a cartel culture emerging between local authorities, housing associations and Civica Electoral Services on the growingly discredited ballot process.
"A letter seen by GMB sent out by One Housing confirms our suspicions that Civica Electoral Services have been given the monopoly of running estate ballots across London within an opaque procurement process.
"Advice was given by Civica Electoral Services which attempted to disenfranchise a group of social housing tenants to deny them their democratic right to a vote.
"Under pressure the exclusion of these residents has been put right. But the rights of the Tenants and Residents to appoint their own advisers is being ignored. The requirements to publish the new offer to tenants and residents in good time before any ballot has also been ignored.
"The Mayor of London must step in to crack down on these practices that undermine and discredit the estate balloting process he introduced to protect the rights of residents on council and housing estates facing demolition."
Contact Peter Roberts, GMB London Region Political Officer 079 5726 6460
Notes to editors
Previous GMB London press release in August 2022.
One Housing must accept the overwhelming 2020 vote against demolition
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