GMB London call on Bakkavor Management to halt restructuring plans for the duration of the public health emergency

The company has to suspend to do the right thing as it reorganises production to comply with the social distancing rules says GMB London
The company has to suspend to do the right thing as it reorganises production to comply with the social distancing rules says GMB London
GMB London, the union for food workers, is calling on Bakkavor Management to halt the restructuring proposals announced at end February for the duration of the public health emergency. See notes to editors below for copy of the Bakkavor restructuring proposals.
In the past few days GMB London has called on the company to reorganise production methods to comply with the social distancing rules and to revise the sick pay arrangement. See notes to editors below for copies of both GMB London press releases.
Andre Marques, GMB London Region Organiser said
"On the 26 February Bakkavor started restructure for managers and team leaders. This was before Covid19 outbreak.
Today we received news via a concerned member that they are going ahead with restructure that possible could affect our members job and continuity within the company.
Another member has been invited by Bakkavor Management to attend a meeting about the restructure, the member who is self-isolating for 12 weeks due to Covid19 cannot attend the site for the meeting.
I immediately requested company information in this regards without any success.
GMB London call on Bakkavor to suspend or postpone the restructure. GMB feel this is not the right time for added pressure due to corona virus outbreak, the stress levels and added pressure our key workers are suffering on Bakkavor shop floor which is already stressful enough
The company has to suspend to do the right thing while it reorganises production to comply with the social distancing rules "
Andre Marques, GMB London Region, Organiser 078 8586 8405
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643
Notes to editors:
Copy of Bakkavor restructuring release:
Bakkavor Meals London Restructure
Revised version
Bakkavor, like other fresh convenience food manufacturers, has experienced slower growth in recent years due to changing consumer preferences. We continue to operate in a challenging trading environment, with retail customers moving volume to different manufacturers to save cost. Our business has also been faced with significant increases in employment and raw material costs. As a result, we must reduce operating cost in order to remain competitive.
We are therefore proposing a number of changes across the Meals London Business, these changes will allow us to deliver both leaner & more cost-effective structures and will be the start of aligning our structures across London. The new proposed structures will also provide defined roles and clear succession planning.
We plan to start our communication of these changes in both Abbeydale and Elveden Wednesday 26th February 2020, the dates of Elveden will be finalised shortly.
Below is an overview of the proposed changes that will be communicated on the 26th February with all employees that are being .
Proposed Cumberland Operations Structure:
Reduction of 4 C Band Roles
Reduction of 5 B Band Roles
Communication will be held at 16.30pm with the affected employees
Proposed Abbeydale Operations Structure
Reduction of 3 C band roles
Reduction of 10 Team Leader roles
Introduction of 8 B Band Section Leader roles
Communication will be held at 16.00pm with the C Band Managers
Communication will be held ay 16.30pm and 17.30pm with Team Leaders
We can confirm that collective consultation will not be applicable to either of the above proposals as the effected number of employees is less than 20 at each of the establishments. Each factory is treated as a separate establishment.
We will be applying a fair and objective selection criteria throughout the process.
Proposed Elveden Hygiene Re Structure
Introduction of an additional 12 Semi Skilled roles along with a proposed shift pattern change.
The proposal will be to introduce staggered start times to enable complete machine cleaning at the end of the shift whilst reducing the cost of overtime.
We can confirm that collective consultation will be applicable with this proposal and we will need to ensure that we enter into consulation for a minimum of 30 days. In addition a HR1 form will be sent to the insolvency service as per the requirement. This document will be shared with you at the first meeting.
The Head of Site Operations ( Elveden), Sean Madden and the Senior HRBP ( Elveden), Parul Patel will be in contact with you to arrange time to meet to discuss the proposal in more detail and the process that will be followed.
In addition to the above proposals there are a small number of monthly individuals that are effected in other areas in the London Business who’s roles will be put at risk of redundancy.