GMB London call for explanation why CC Committee’s figure to replace domestic gas central heating is so much cheaper than government figures

GMB London call on Climate Change Committee to explain why £10,000 costs per household to replace gas boilers so much cheaper than the £21,550/£27,300 costs shown in official government report
Both sets of figures are prohibitively expensive and there is also the issue as to where the 90GW zero carbon emissions electricity is to come from by 2035 says GMB London
The 6th Carbon Budget report released by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on 9th December calls for gas boilers to be banned in domestic properties from 2033 and claims that the average additional installation cost per household for a new heating system of around £10,000. This figure has been widely reported in the press.
This figure contrasts with costs per household of between £21,550 and £27,300 for heat pump systems in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published report, prepared for them by Delta-ee. This provided a detailed comparison of the full costs of installing different types of heating systems. See below in notes to editors the copy of the GMB London press release of 9th September commenting on the report.
See link to the BEIS report: The Cost of Installing Heating Measures in Domestic Properties
A Delta-ee Report for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, BEIS Research Paper Number: 2020/028
An analysis of the report by the Gas users organisation showed the details as follows:
‘An 8kW air source heat pump (ASHP) fully installed including fittings, buffer tank, cylinder and controls, but excluding the heat distribution system would cost £ 8,750. In reality, it would be necessary to fit new radiators, and a 16kW ASHP fully including a heat distribution system would cost £21,550.”
“Ground Source heat pump systems cost more, for example, a 12kW GSHP fully installed including buffer tank, cylinder, groundworks, controls and the heat distribution (underfloor heating downstairs and radiators upstairs) system would cost £27,350.”
Gary Pearce, GMB London Region Energy Officer said:
"The Climate Change Committee is quoting £10,000 costs per household of new heating systems to replace gas boilers. They want replacement gas boilers banned from 2033.
“This figure is very different to those in the official government report where costs vary from £21,550 for air pumps and £27,350 ground source heat pumps.
“We call on the Climate Change Committee to explain why their figure is so much cheaper than these figures.
“Both sets of figures are prohibitively expensive. There is also the issue as to where the 90GW zero carbon emissions electricity is to come from by 2035.
“There is a prospect of a hugely expensive jump from the frying pan of gas heating to the fire of spending up to £27.3k per homes on heat pumps powered by gas fired power stations.
Gary Pearce, GMB London Region Energy Officer, 078 5003 6952
GMB London Region Press Office 079 7001 9643
Notes to editors:
GMB London press release on this issue dated 9th September 2020