GMB London Ambulance Mitie members to go back in-house

London Ambulance Service Trust leaders have announced that all their outsourced staff are to be brought back under direct NHS employment giving a welcome pay-rise, pension boost and parity with NHS colleagues.
From the 1st April 2022 400 employees of London Ambulance Service’s ‘Make Ready Staff’ are to receive the NHS pension and London Living Wage for the vital work they do. GMB Union, the union for NHS, Ambulance and outsourced staff in frontline health will work with the Trust to ensure these staff are given parity terms and conditions with the NHS.
Clive Tombs, GMB Branch Secretary, London Ambulance Service said:
“Even before the pandemic it was simply wrong that colleagues providing vital NHS services should be employed on worse terms and conditions.
“GMB Union members in the make-ready team have repeatedly raised this issue and, despite the significant cost to the Trust we are glad to see our LAS leaders doing the right thing and bringing our colleague back into the NHS. All Ambulance staff faced the same risk regardless of who their employer is and we all deserve NHS pay and conditions.
“We look forward to working with the Trust to ensure our colleagues are given parity with all NHS staff as soon as possible.’
Editors Notes
Lola McEvoy, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6744 0297
Hilda Tavolara, GMB London Region Organiser 079 7678 4737
Holly Turner, GMB London Region Organiser 078 1354 2046