GMB launch petition calling on government to increase school funding

GMB launch petition calling on government to increase school funding to local authority and stop education cuts
This is a major campaign, to protect our education services, the futures of our children and support staff, says GMB London
GMB, the union for school support staff have launched an online petition in London and the East of England calling on the government to reverse budget cuts to the education system, and increase school funding to local authorities.
Over the last two years schools have been forced to reduce the number of school support staff owing to unprecedented cuts in the government support grant.
The petition requires 100,000 signatures to get debated in Parliament, and can be found at this link:
Hilda Tavolara, GMB Regional Organiser, said:
“The role and responsibilities of support staff in schools are ever increasing, without the recognition for the invaluable role they undertake within all aspects of the school environment, to ensure our Schools open and run smoothly.
“In addition, school support staff have to do more with fewer staff because of the changes introduced by central government to the funding formula used to set school budgets, which has led to unprecedented reductions/reorganisations of school support staff across the country.
“GMB, the union for support staff have argued that the government should reverse the budget cuts to the Education system, and that schools should have more than the level of funding settlement currently provided, along with the freedom to employ levels of support staff who are integral to the needs of pupils.
“As part of this campaign, GMB London schools team have set up an online petition calling on the government to increase school funding to local authority and stop education cuts.
“This is a major campaign, to protect our education services, the futures of our children and support staff.”
Contact: Hilda Tavolara 07976 784737 or GMB Press Office 07970 114 762