GMB Congress calls to keep gas industry open

GMB Congress oppose calls for UK’s gas industry to be closed down
This would be a grossly irresponsible and hugely expensive plan for the UK energy mix, says GMB London
GMB Congress has today strongly opposed the call by Friends of the Earth for the UK to close down the gas industry and instead use electricity and other systems for heating of homes in the UK. [See notes to editors for congress motion]
A report from Friends of the Earth has estimated that it would cost up to £10,000 per household for new systems when existing boilers and radiators and pipes are scrapped. Energy bills for heating would treble. Massive new energy sources would be needed to supply around four times more electricity than we currently consume in the UK.
GMB Congress also rejected any unilateral action by the UK to show leadership by closing the gas industry as a very expensive and futile gesture.
GMB energy policy calls for reliable, reasonable prices and low carbon energy sources with subsidies to be paid from general taxation.
The 102nd GMB Congress, comprises of 500 elected lay members and 300 visitors and guests. GMB Congress delegates were elected from the GMB membership to represent over 640,000 members from every part of the UK and Ireland and every sector of the economy. Congress is the supreme policy making body in GMB.
Gary Pearce, GMB Regional Officer for Energy said:
“GMB Congress strongly opposes the call by Friends of the Earth for the UK to close down the gas industry and instead use electricity and other systems for heating of homes in the UK.
“Friends of the Earth don’t like nuclear power stations. The power they say, would come from intermittent sources like wind, solar and other renewable energy sources. When the wind is not blowing, then is the plan to switch off power to factories and homes and to import power from other countries and use not yet developed sources?
“This would be a grossly irresponsible and hugely expensive plan for the UK energy mix. Across the world, nuclear power stations, renewables and gas as a transition fuel are seen as the way to reduce carbon emissions as the global economy moves to low and zero carbon energy sources. The UK should be part of the global policy response to the global problem of global warming.”
Contact: Gary Pearce 07850 036952 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114762
Notes to Editors
Congress Motion
This Congress strongly opposes the call by Friends of the Earth for the UK to close down the gas industry and instead use electricity and other systems for heating of homes in the UK.
Friends of the Earth estimate that it would cost up to £10,000 per household for new systems when existing boilers and radiators and pipes are scrapped. Energy bills for heating would treble. Massive new energy sources would be needed to supply probably four times more electricity than we currently consume in the UK.
Friends of the Earth don’t like nuclear power stations. The power they say would come from intermittent sources like wind, solar and other renewable energy sources. When the wind is not blowing, then is the plan to switch off power to factories and homes and to import power from other countries and use not yet developed sources?
Congress considers this to be a grossly irresponsible and hugely expensive plan for the UK energy mix.
Across the world, nuclear power stations, renewables and gas as a transition fuel are seen as the way to reduce carbon emissions as the global economy moves to low and zero carbon energy sources. The UK should be part of the global policy response to the global problem of global warming.
Congress rejects any unilateral action by the UK to show leadership by closing the gas industry as a very expensive and futile gesture.
Congress welcomes the Just Transition statement by the four energy unions including GMB.
Congress calls on the Central Executive Council to strongly resist the attempts to levy these charges on hard pressed GMB members’ households and to oppose closure of the gas industry on energy and environmental grounds.
Congress endorses previous GMB energy policy priorities for reliable, reasonable prices and low carbon energy sources with subsidies to be paid from general taxation.