GMB calls for full voting rights for 16 and 17 year olds

GMB Congress calls for full voting rights for all 16 and 17 year olds
People of this age are the future of the country and deserve a say in how it is run, says GMB London
GMB Congress is calling for full voting rights for all 16 and 17 year olds in local and national elections and in particular should there be a second referendum or Peoples’ vote.
GMB believes that as 16 year olds were allowed to vote in the Scottish Referendum, it should be the same for the rest of the UK.
According to the Electoral Reform Society, when they have been able to vote, such as in the Scottish Independence referendum, 16 and 17 year olds have higher rates of turnout than 18 to 24 year-olds – with 75% voting and 97% saying they would vote in future elections. They also accessed more information from a wider variety of sources than any other age group [1].
The 102nd GMB Congress, comprises of 500 elected lay members and 300 visitors and guests. GMB Congress delegates were elected from the GMB membership to represent over 640,000 members from every part of the UK and Ireland and every sector of the economy. Congress is the supreme policy making body in GMB.
Vaughan West, GMB Political Officer said:
“The time has surely come to give 16 and 17 year olds the vote. Scotland paved the way for this by allowing young people to vote in the independence referendum in 2014 and it is now long overdue that this right is extended to all elections across the United Kingdom.
“People of this age are the future of the country and deserve a say in how it is run. If you can join the armed forces at 16, leave school and start full-time employment or get married at 16, then you should have the right to vote for the government of the county.”
Contact: Vaughan West 07967 342197 or GMB London Region Press Office 07970 114762
Notes to Editors
[1] Electoral Reform Society - Votes at 16
GMB Congress Motion
This Congress notes that GMB Policy is for a reduction in the voting age but as 16 year olds were allowed to vote in the Scottish Referendum, we urge GMB to push for full voting rights for all 16 & 17 year olds in local and national elections and in particular should there be a second referendum or Peoples’ vote.