GMB call on RATP Dev to reinstate employee after faulty bus crash

GMB call on RATP Dev public transport company to reinstate employee after unfair dismissal following faulty bus collision
This is further evidence of the dangers of London’s outsourced bus operators, says GMB London
GMB have called for the reinstatement of a former RATP Dev public transport company employee after he was dismissed following a collision whilst driving a faulty vehicle.
The employee, who has over 20 years of bus driving experience, had been working for the company based in Park Royal for 6 weeks. After on board warning systems requested a stop, the employee twice reported the mechanical fault to a controller but both times was told by his manager to follow company policy and return the bus to the garage. This was despite only being able to travel 10 miles an hour and not having complete control of the bus. At a roundabout the bus surged to 15 miles an hour and he collided with a car.
A week after the collision, the employee was told he had failed his probation and was dismissed without notice. An appeal was submitted on the grounds of unfair dismissal, failure to give notice of the meeting and not having a union rep at the dismissal/probation meeting, but it was not upheld.
GMB have since filed a complaint with the Public Transport Commissioner regarding the company’s failure on health and safety.
Last month, GMB London Region revealed that 8 people were killed by London buses in the 12 months to end June 2018. As a result, GMB have called on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to implement a London Bus Drivers ‘Bill of Rights’, which was presented to the Mayor’s representative by protesting TfL Bus Drivers on 14 September 2017, to help save the lives of both drivers and pedestrians. [See notes to editors for previous GMB press release]
The “London Bus Drivers' ‘Bill of Rights’ includes:
1. The Right to a safe work schedule without any forced overtime or loss of pay
2. The Right to a decent and proper rest break in the working day
3. The Right to drive a safe and well-maintained vehicle
4. The Right to clean, serviced toilet and rest facilities on all bus routes
5. The Right to report safety concerns without fear of retribution from TfL or employers
6. The Right, when seriously ill and covered by a doctor's note, to not be harassed into coming into work until fit to do so
7. The Right to relevant and timely safety training
8. The Right to drive without being forced to answer radio messages and texts from Controllers whilst in motion
9. The Right to have all company rules in writing and clearly displayed
10. The Right to be treated with dignity and respect by our employers, TfL and the public.
The former RATP Dev employee said:
“When the bus broke down I expected the engineer to come out and told them the bus should not be moved but was instructed to drive the bus.
“After driving 5 minutes I called again with my concerns and was again told to carry on.
“I just want to be treated fairly and clear my name.”
Krissy O’Hagan, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“This case is further evidence of the dangers of London’s outsourced bus operators. As long as a London Bus Driver ‘Bill of Rights’ is not integrated into public transport policy we will continue to see these examples of negligence.
“We’ve said it before, the safe operation of busses by the outsourced operators must be made TfL's top priority. RATP Dev can count themselves lucky that on this occasion no one was hurt or injured, but as we saw last month 8 people were killed and 719 very seriously injured by the London busses in the 12 months to end June 2018.
“Our member was told to follow company policy, whilst made to drive an unsafe vehicle. His dismissal should be deemed unfair as it not only broke health and safety laws, but trade union laws by not giving him enough time to obtain a GMB representative for his dismissal hearing, and employment laws after he was left with no pay over Christmas and was only paid part of what was owed to him in January.
“We hope our member will be reinstated to RAPT Dev with full back-pay and compensation for being put in danger by the company after being made to drive a faulty bus.”
Contact: Krissy O’Hagan 0771 0631349 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114762
Notes to Editors
Previous GMB Press Release
“GMB call on Mayor for action over deaths and injuries caused by London buses” (28 December 2018)