GMB call on Heathrow contractor to resume pay talks

GMB London call on Heathrow contractor to resume pay talks using ACAS and to pay a liveable London wage.
Asking for a pay rise is not a crime, unless you work for Anderson Young says GMB London.
GMB London, the union for workers at Anderson Young Aviation, are calling on the Heathrow Contractor to resume pay talks using ACAS and to pay a liveable London Wage.
Anderson Young Aviation are the company contracted to provide security and screening services to Airworld Cargo at Heathrow Airport. Anderson Young notified the GMB that they will not enter into any more negotiations, and have refused attempts by GMB to involve ACAS conciliation as part of the resolution process.
GMB believe that its highly skilled members who work for Anderson Young at Heathrow should be paid a liveable London wage especially now that the welcomed news of the Heathrow expansion will contribute up to £211bn in economic benefits across the UK and will create over 180,000 new jobs.
Perry Phillips GMB Regional Organiser for Aviation at Heathrow said "I am perplexed and very disappointed the way Anderson Young have refused to enter further into open and transparent dialogue with GMB and ACAS having withdrawn from pay the negotiations.
Anderson Young withdrew from discussions around pay for its employees because GMB submitted a pay claim to the Company asking for a fair pay rise on behalf of GMB members. The attitude of Anderson Young is a throwback to Dickensian times and the workhouse, all because we asked for more!
Anderson Young's employees and their families like many others, are struggling to cope with the ever rising costs of living in London. Asking for a pay rise is not a crime, unless you work for Anderson Young.
Working people have just endured the longest wage squeeze since Victorian times, and this is set to continue following Phillip Hammond's announcements in his Autumn Statement as a result of the Government's failed economic policies.
The owner of Airworld, Gwyn Powell, owns 50% of Anderson Young Aviation where healthy annual profits and shareholder funds have been posted. Clearly, they are saying, that their workers do not deserve a pay rise
Our members deserve a fair and decent pay rise in line with a liveable London wage. I am calling on Anderson Young to do the right thing and resume Pay and Conditions negotiations involving ACAS conciliatory and arbitration service with a view of reaching an amicable resolution to this situation.
It is clearly a situation where the good news of the Heathrow expansion, means only bad news for Anderson Young employees"
Contact: Perry Phillips on 07912 293 481