GMB call on Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd to stick to London Living Wage promises

GMB call on Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd to stick to their promise of paying staff London Living Wage following 62% increase in dividend payout to shareholders amounting to £525 million
Our members need urgent reassurances that Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd's commitment was genuine and not just a PR exercise for the benefit of pursuing expansion, says GMB LondonGMB, the union for staff at Heathrow Airport, have called on Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd to stick by their commitment to pay the London Living Wage to its direct supply chain by 2020. [See notes to editors for previous GMB press releases]
Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd which runs operations at Heathrow Airport, which coped with 78 million passengers in 2017, last week paid out a 62% increase in dividends to shareholders amounting to £525 million.
However, contracted staff, such as those from OmniServ, who deal with provisions for passengers with restricted mobility, have failed to see any wage increase or any information on when the transition to higher wages will take place.
Stephanie Blanchard, GMB Regional Officer said:
“We have been in pay negotiations with OmniServ, the supplier of passengers with restricted mobility (PRM) provisions to Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited (HAL) and are very concerned to hear that they have not been given any sign by HAL of any road map explaining what the transition to the London Living Wage will look like for our members working on the PRM contract.
“In fact, we were advised that there appear to be no plans by HAL to pay any increase at all until contract renewal.
“The PRM provision was awarded late in September last year after the pay anniversary of August.
“Our members have been very patient, waiting for the contract renewal to be confirmed before commencing negotiations however to be advised that it is likely that most other contracts at Heathrow will be awarded the London Living Wage prior to our members who provide an excellent service to Heathrow Customers requiring wheelchair assistance is quite frankly galling and we believe unfair.
“With no details of any transition details, GMB members are very concerned.
“We urgently request that HAL get in contact as a matter of urgency to allay members fears as on top of hearing this unpalatable news, we have been advised of details that there has been a 62% increase in the pay out of dividends to Heathrow shareholders amounting to £525 million.
“Clearly GMB members need urgent reassurances that HAL's commitment was genuine and not just a PR exercise for the benefit of pursuing expansion.”
Contact: Stephanie Blanchard 07921 473264 or GMB Press Office 07970 114 762
Notes to Editors
Previous GMB Press Releases
1] GMB call on Heathrow to end poverty pay and implement London Living Wage (28 September 2017)
2] GMB welcome Heathrow commitment to the London Living Wage (7 December 2016)